July Camp Details
Timetable & Dance Styles
A variety of dance styles are offered at the camp.
Click to see the selection of styles on offer
Click to see the July Camp Timetable
Creative Kids Voucher
You can use your $100 Creative Kids Voucher with us or apply for one now using the link below
General Information & FAQs
Can I attend the camp for one day?
What to wear:
The dress code is flexible. Please ensure students wear casual dance clothes - something that can be moved in freely e.g. leggings, dance pants and a singlet top. Avoid loose clothing for acro/gymnastics. Please ensure appropriate shoes for each dance style are available.
There will be 15 minute breaks after each class and a 1 hour break in the middle of the day for lunch.
What to bring:
A water bottle! It is important to stay hydrated
Hair elastics
Notebook and pencil (to write down anything new you may have learned, new combinations you want to remember, or to write down the names of new friends).
Food & Snacks:
It is advised to bring a packed lunch, snacks and lots of water each day. It will not be permitted to leave the studio to purchase food.
Valuables and Lost Property:
Students may take all bags and valuables into the studio. Whilst every effort will be made to clear the studios before locking up, Aussie Dance Camp cannot take responsibility for lost items. Students must remember to take all belongings with them at the end of each day. Mobile phones must be turned off during class; they may be used during the breaks.
There will be both male and female bathrooms.
Warming Up:
In order to avoid injury, warm ups and stretching are conducted at the commencement of every lesson.
Class Behaviour:
Students must be on time to every class. A 5-minute warning will be given before each class starts if they wish to warm-up themselves. Students must be respectful towards teachers and abide by their instructions. If everyone is well behaved, the teacher will be happier and hence provide a better class.
Supervision will be provided during break times. Please ensure that students are picked up on time after the last class at 3pm. Supervision will end 15-minutes after the final class. If parents are running late, please contact our office on 0406 428 055.
There will always be at least one person at the venue with a First Aid Certificate and supervision provided by a teacher with a “Working with children check”. Please note that all staff are fully vaccinated.
Dance classes involve a level of risk of personal injury. Aussie Dance Camp takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its classes, though it accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss caused during classes or whilst participants are at or near the studio. Each student's guardian is responsible for ensuring that they are physically and medically fit for the classes and students themselves must at all times take care of their own personal safety. If an advertised teacher becomes unavailable due to unforeseen circumstances, a replacement of similar qualifications will take the class. All photos and video footage taken during the camp will be the property of Aussie Dance Camp and Aussie Dance Camp will hold all rights to the footage. For more information on our policies, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Children in Years K - 6 (ages 5 - 12)
9am - 3pm
Monday 8th - 10th July